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Can I Include Home Office Expenses in my Personal Tax Return?

This is a great and often times confusing question.

The reason it throws a lot of folks off is because there are a number of scenarios when a tax payer can claim home office expenses. To add to the confusion, there have been numerous changes to this part of tax legislation with the onset of Covid-19 over the last two years.

To determine if you can claim home office expenses, we need to first review your employment situation: Are you a salaried employee that works from home all or some of the time? If you answer yes then great, you most likely will be able to claim a portion of your home office expenses as tax deductions.

Are you a self-employed individual that uses part of your home for the business? If yes, then you can claim a portion of your home expenses against your business income.

Home office expenses are great if you are eligible, however, you must very careful when claiming to make sure you meet the criteria.

If you think you might be missing out on some deductions, it is always a great idea to ask a qualified tax accountant to review your eligibility and help maximize those deductions!

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